June, 1811. On a summer's evening at the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, the beautiful young wife of an aging Marquis is found dead in the arms of the Prince Regent himself. From her back protrudes a jeweled dagger that once belonged to Bonnie Prince Charlie. Around her neck lies an ancient blue stone and silver necklace said to have been worn by the Druid priestesses of Wales. Legend credited the necklace with mysterious powers—until it was lost at sea with its last owner, the mother of Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin.
Second book in a series about a Nobel man with a heart. The story digs deeper into the mystery surrounding the hero's mother whom Devlin thought drowned off the coast of Brighton. It's now looking as if she lives, that she sailed away from her family. Leaving behind an 11 year old boy to a father that may not be his. The most interesting thing about Harris's writing to me is her layers of mystery that she is slowly building up to. She has created like able characters who are true to their time period. I did skip a few pages though but overall a good story. I keep reading because I care for her characters and want to know how the mysteries within will end. 4 out of 5